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21st Century Education Valuing Individuals and Academic Excellence

My name is Stephanie O’Neill Macro and I am honored to be running for D155 Board of Education. 

I am the proud parent of a current D155 student, passionate about the educational experience of my sons, and committed to the best education possible for all students.  As an attorney licensed to practice in the state of Illinois, I help my clients navigate complex legal regulatory systems and strategically solve problems. While my professional life is both challenging and rewarding, my favorite roles are that of wife and mother.

I have two sons. One who attends Crystal Lake Central High School and another who is a middle schooler at Bernotas Middle School  - District 47.  As a parent, I have guided my children through AP and Honors classes as well as advocating for them in connection with IEPs and 504 Plans. I am/was a frequent volunteer at my children’s elementary and middle schools. I also have volunteered with the West PTO and continue to volunteer with the Bernotas PTO.  My family dubs me “The Food Fundraiser Queen” for organizing dine out nights.


I have been married for 21 years to my husband and best friend, Joe. My husband has been active in our community as a coach, president and board member of Crystal Lake Little League Baseball and a basketball and soccer coach in the Upward program at Immanuel Lutheran Church.


We have lived in Lakewood for over 12 years. Our family enjoys sports, outdoor adventures, cooking, exploring new restaurants, traveling and snuggling with our Golden Retriever.


Our family values a quality public education and community service.

Stephanie O'Neill Macro

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